Our Opportunities


The Restricted Scholarship Application is open until Friday, May 31, 2025.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Varies R & L Chance Scholarship
The R & L Chance Scholarship was made possible by a generous estate...
Varies Rallis Athletics Scholarship
The Rallis Athletics Scholarship was established by Ronald and Sheryl...
Varies T.C. and Anna Horton Memorial Scholarship
The T.C. and Anna Horton Memorial Scholarship was established to assist...
Varies Talbot Dean's Discretionary Scholarship
The Talbot Dean’s Discretionary Scholarship is awarded to Talbot...
Varies Talbot Emmanuel Faith Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to graduate students at Talbot School of...
Varies Talbot Memorial Scholarship
The Talbot Memorial Scholarship is awarded by the Talbot Dean’s Office...
Varies Carolyn Simons Scholarship Foundation
The Carolyn Simons Scholarship was established in memory of Carolyn...
Varies Ken Bascom Scholarship
The Ken Bascom Scholarship is awarded to a freshman student, and was...
Varies Anderson-Melzl Scholarship
The Anderson-Melzl Scholarship was established through the generosity of...
Varies Endowed Scholarship for Talbot
The Endowed Scholarship for Talbot is awarded to graduate Talbot...
$0.00 David & Kathleen Kennedy Nursing Scholarship
The David and Kathleen Kennedy Nursing Scholarship is awarded to...
$0.00 First Gen Scholarship
A scholarship for undergraduate first generation students. To be...
Varies Alan and Sharon Gates & Nate and Carolyn Waltz Scholarship
The Gates and Waltz Scholarship is presented through the generosity of...
Varies Alexander-Ross Endowed Scholarship
The Alexander-Ross Endowed Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate...
Varies Alice Frances Head Memorial Scholarship
The Alice Frances Head Memorial Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate...
Varies Allen and Elvera Aspling Memorial Scholarship
The A & E Aspling Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of...
Varies Anne Louise Gewe Scholarship
The Anne Louise Gewe Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate Nursing...
Varies Atala V. Baker Memorial Scholarship
The Atala V. Baker Memorial Scholarship is awarded by the Talbot Dean’s...
Varies Beatrice M. Delson Nursing Scholarship
The Beatrice M. Delson Scholarship was established to honor Beatrice...
Varies Bunn-Kilander-Christensen Endowed Nursing Scholarship for Missions
The Bunn-Kilander-Christensen Endowed Nursing Scholarship for Missions...
Varies Charles and Gracemary Hammer Missions Scholarship
The Charles and Gracemary Hammer Missions Scholarship was established in...
Varies Chinese Student Scholarship
The Chinese Student Scholarship was established by generous donors who...
Varies Christian and Rheba Ummel Memorial Scholarship
The Ummel Memorial Scholarship is awarded to undergrad or graduate...
Varies Clinical Excellence Scholarship
The Clinical Excellence Nursing Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate...
Varies Clyde & Anna Belle Cook Evangelism Scholarship
The Clyde & Anna Belle Cook Evangelism Scholarship was established to...
Varies Clyde and Anna Belle Cook Scholarship
The Clyde and Anna Belle Cook Scholarship was established by alumni and...
Varies Cole and Ira Barzilay Memorial Scholarship
Cole and Ira Barzilay Memorial Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate...
Varies CRU - Frederick G. Bursch Memorial Scholarship
The CRU Scholarship is funded by the Frederick G. Bursch Memorial...
Varies David & Elaine Crane Scholarship
The David and Elaine Crane Scholarship was established in honor of David...
Varies Dr. Francis Yu Mei Lu Scholarship
The Francis Yu Mei Lu Scholarship was established in memory of Dr....
Varies Dr. Lloyd E. Kwast Scholarship
Named for Dr. Lloyd E. Kwast, this scholarship honors the significant,...
Varies Dr. Richard Rigsby Scholarship
The Dr. Richard Rigsby Scholarship was established in honor of Dr....
Varies Dr. Tin Y. & Anne Shue Fong Kwong Scholarship
The Kwong T.Y. Ministerial Endowed Scholarship was established in memory...
Varies Faithful Servants Scholarship
The Faithful Servants Scholarship was established in 2014 and is awarded...
Varies Florence H. Russell Scholarship
The Florence H. Russell Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate Nursing...
Varies Frank & Madeline Visca Scholarship
The Frank & Madeline Visca Scholarship was established by the Frank &...
Varies George and Eileen Bowman Biola Missionary Scholarship
The Bowman Biola Missionary Scholarship is awarded to undergrad and...
Varies George and Eileen Bowman Talbot Missionary Scholarship
The Bowman Talbot Missionary Scholarship was established in memory of...
Varies George H. Mayr Trust Scholarship
The George H. Mayr scholarship is awarded to undergrad sophomores,...
$0.00 Good Shepherd Scholarship
The Good Shepherd Scholarship was established to assist juniors and...
Varies Gospel for Chinese Community Scholarship
The Gospel for Chinese Community Scholarship was established through a...
Varies Guy and Marion Martin Endowed Talbot Scholarship
The Guy and Marion Martin Endowed Talbot Scholarship is awarded to...
Varies Helen Faulk Missionary Scholarship
The Helen Faulk Missionary Scholarship was established support undergrad...
Varies Hooker-MK Endowed Scholarship
The Hooker-MK Endowed Scholarship, established by the Biola Alumni...
Varies Horace and Dolphine Felkins Family Scholarship
The Horace and Dolphine Felkins Family Scholarship was established by...
Varies Intercultural Studies Scholarship
The Intercultural Studies Scholarship is awarded by the Cook ICS Dean’s...
Varies International Missionary Dependent Scholarship
The International Missionary Dependent Scholarship was established...
Varies Ivan Brown Scholarship
The Ivan Brown Endowed Scholarship was established through a generous...
Varies James Albert Olds Scholarship
The James Albert Olds Scholarship was made possible by a generous family...
Varies James and Patricia Beazley Scholarship
The James and Patricia Beazley Scholarship is awarded to Talbot Students...