Debbie and Bart Aspling

Debbie and Bart Aspling

Debbie and Bart Aspling have generously donated the funds to establish the Allen and Elvera Aspling Memorial Scholarship. Bart Aspling, son of Allen and Elvera, writes, “Elvera Asplig was born in Princeton, Illinois to Swedish immigrant parents in 1912. She was raised in Rockford, Illinois where her family was active in the Lord’s service in the Salvation Army. She died in Sacramento, California in May 1997, while on her way to attend my installation ceremony as a Squadron Commander of a medical unit in the US Air Force Reserve.”

“Allen Aspling was born to Swedish immigrant parents in Rockford, Illinois in 1908. He was raised by a godly mother in the First Evangelical Free Church in Rockford, Illinois. Allen and Elvera were married in that church on June 22, 1935, maintained their home, raising my sister and me, based on their love for their Lord and Savior, until separated by death. Allen died in Orange, California on Father’s Day, June 20, 1999.”

“Although, due to the Great Depression, Elvera did not finish high school and Allen only completed the eighth grade, education was very important to them. There was never any doubt if my sister and I would go to college. My parents, though only a single income, blue collar family, supported our decision to attend a Christian college. I believe it particularly fitting to use some of the money my parents were able to save, to help future students attend Biola University.”


Dear Col. Debbie Aspling:

First of all, I would like to thank you for your generous gift that has enabled me to receive this scholarship. This scholarship will allow me to come back to Biola University in the Fall of 2016, and for that I am extremely grateful. I plan to use this education not only to serve this great nation in some form, but to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you again for your generosity.


Dylan Moore
