Lola Shannon Winter Memorial Scholarship

The Lola Shannon Winter Scholarship was established by the Shannon Family in memory of Lola Shannon Winter. Preference is given to students who come to Biola from Faith Academy in the Philippines, or from a missionary family serving in South Africa. Additionally, awards may be made to other dependents of missionaries, or to a men’s or women’s volleyball player. Students must demonstrate financial need. Preference is given to continuing students.

Eutha Shannon
Cook School of Intercultural Studies, Ministry/Missions/Missionary Dependent, Undergraduate
Supplemental Questions
  1. My parents are/were missionaries in South Africa
  2. Did you attend Faith Academy in the Philippines?
  3. Signature: My signature verifies that the information submitted on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that submitting false information will result in disqualification for the scholarship, and may result in disciplinary or legal action.
    • 1. Signature (Type Name)
    • 2. Date