CRU - Frederick G. Bursch Memorial Scholarship

The CRU Scholarship is funded by the Frederick G. Bursch Memorial Scholarship and is awarded to graduate students studying at Talbot School of Theology by the Dean’s Office. This scholarship provides a tuition discount for full-time staff members of CRU. Applicants must submit an official letter of verification of their employment from their district supervisor or regional office. US Citizens and Permanent Residents must demonstrate unmet need by filing a FAFSA. International students are not eligible at this time.

Students who apply after the deadline may still be considered as funds are available.

Students who are already recipients of the Frederick G. Bursch Memorial Scholarship are not eligible for this award. And, students who receive this award are no longer eligible to be considered for the Frederick G. Bursch Memorial Scholarship. These two awards are mutually exclusive.

Graduate, Talbot School of Theology
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload a recent photo of yourself (.jpg only)
  2. Please upload an official letter of verification of employment with Cru from the supervisor in your district or regional office that verifies that you are currently full-time staff with Cru.
  3. Signature: My signature verifies that the information submitted on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that submitting false information will result in disqualification for the scholarship, and may result in disciplinary or legal action.
    • 1. Signature (Type Name)
    • 2. Date